Entwickeln von Native-MobileApps für mehrere Zielplattformen mit HTML5, JavaScript und CSS2, mit Apache Cordova


2 Tage / 16 Lehreinheiten



The What, How, Why, and More of Apache Cordova
Anatomy of a Cordova Application
Configuring a Cordova Development Environment
Using the Cordova Command-Line Interfaces
The Mechanics of Cordova Development
Android Development with Cordova, Cordova CLI
Windows Development with Cordova
Working with the Cordova APIs
The Cordova Core APIs, Working with Cordova API
Checking API Availability, Catching Errors
Setting Application Permissions
Cordova Objects, Alerting the User
Cordova Events, Hardware APIs, Globalization
Working with the Contacts Application
Cordova Development End to End


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